With support from the Lapalala Wilderness Reserve, we continue to play an important role in the provision of practical components of the tertiary groups who are in the field of conservation. They involve both Diplomas and Certificates in Nature Conservation from Centurion Academy, and BSc (Honours) from UNISA.
As in previous years, we outsourced experts to come and assist in lecturing to these groups, particularly top academics such as Professor Lyn Wadley, Dr Philip Calcott, Dr Sandie Sowler, Richard Wadley and Mark Thompson, ably assisted from time to time by our Patron Clive Walker.
Since 2010, Lapalala Wilderness School has offered a range of three-month and one-year internships for university students that want to enhance their education and gain practical experience in a true wilderness environment. Interns are exposed to all aspects of management of both the school anf the Lapalala Wilderness reserve.
The programme also allows for Masters and PhD candidates to link to the Lapalala Wilderness School to better develop their field-based skills, deepen their interest in conservation, improve their understanding of research protocols and lay a solid foundation for continued studies in the fields of science and biodiversity.
Through our partnership with CATHSSETA (Culture, Art, Tourism, Hospitality, Sports Sector Education and Training Authority) we enjoy significant support in our efforts to develop the next generation of conservationists. This also enables us to support young students and graduates in terms of building the career paths they wish to follow by providing them with sound vocational guidance.